What Kind Of Story Will You Write ?

Rev. Peter E. Bauer
3 min readFeb 7, 2019


What is your story ?

My first tour on active duty as a Navy Chaplain was the Naval hospital in Okinawa, Japan. I was surprised that I was getting an overseas assignment so early in my career. Before I left for Chaplain School in Newport, R.I. I made an appointment to see our family attorney about drafting a will . When the document was completed, the lawyer asked:

“Well, are you going to come back rich or be an alcoholic? “

I was shocked, I thought the question was rather impertinent !

After a pause, I replied:

“I plan on coming back rich “

Fortunately, for me, my wish came true. During the two plus years that I lived in Japan, I saved a lot of money. I met my wife in Japan. We were both stationed at the Naval Hospital together. She ,too, saved a lot of money.

When we came back to the states and arrived in Great Lakes, Il., we were both able to buy new cars and pay for everything entirely in cash.

Stories are really essential elements in our desire to understand the human experience. Whether the story be one of triumph or defeat, of being a hero or a villain, a winner or a loser, the tales that we tell and share really underscore the myth of what we believe is important to emulate in life.

Professor Miroslov Volf, the Henry B. Wright Professor Of Systematic Theology and the Founding Director of the Yale Center For Faith And Culture, Yale Divinity School spoke at the Midwinter Conference February 5–6 at Austin Theological Seminary, Austin, TX.

Professor Volf talked about “the flourishing life “ as it affects theology and theologians. Volf argued that there are the external and internal crisis facing theology. Externally, the process of theology is not able to point to any new practical discoveries. There is no GPS to the good life. Internally, theology is a descriptive discipline; descriptions of theologians as historians. Consequently, there may not be an articulation of a fresh faith for today. (Flourishing Life And The Crisis-es Of Theology 02/05/2019)

Theology, in this case Christian Theology, is not being a prescriptive guide that helps you to do the right things. Rather, Christian Theology is designed to help humans discern and articulate what are the most important elements in life.

Jesus talked about searching for the pearl of great price ( Matthew 13: 45–46) . Here the idea is what is that great truth that is worth selling everything in order to finding this treasure ?

Again, Volf reminds us:

“ Christian faith is about goals and ends in our lives, a form of presence which we can rely upon in life and in death. The pearl opens up the truth of our humanity. “ ( Flourish Life And The Lives Of Theologians 02/06/2019 )

Regarding the question that the lawyer posed to me, could it have gone another way ?

Of course, I could have come back addicted, running from the shadow ( as C.G. Jung would say ) and could have been in a state of unrelenting chaos and anxiety.

But when the attorney asked “ will you come back rich or an alcoholic ? “ a voice inside me stated “ I am going to come back whole, rich in the notion of who I am and in my understanding Of God, made known in the person of Jesus. “

Our stories, our myths have great power in our lives.

May we reflect, question and discern what the divine truth is for us and how it forms who we are and what we do.

May it be so.



Rev. Peter E. Bauer
Rev. Peter E. Bauer

Written by Rev. Peter E. Bauer

The Rev. Peter E. Bauer is a longtime licensed clinical social worker and minister for the United Church of Christ. A LCL, he is also an Army and Navy veteran.

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